Click on the links located in the yellow box to navigate to the resources!
NWRIC Staff:
SMARTeR Employees have the ability in ESS to view their current pay stub and pay history, compensated leave activity, licensure information, as well as download their year-end W-2’s on the web.
NWRIC Staff Resources This shared drive stores NWRIC's department resources, employee forms and procedures, and lending library materials.
Case Manager Resources This shared drive stores due process guidance for our member district special education case managers and IEP team members. This guidance includes but is not limited to meeting facilitation, evaluation reports, IEP development, progress reporting, paraprofessional support, intervention resources, curriculum resources, and student management.
Riverside Scoring - WIJV The Riverside Score platform is used it to record information about examinees, assign tests to examinees, record test results, and run reports to analyze the test results.
Special Education Eligibility Criteria Checklists This link will direct you to the Checklist page on the Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) website. Once you've accessed this page, you will need to click on Categorical Disabilities which is located on the lefthand side under Special Education. The criteria checklists can also be found in the case manager resources shared drive in the criteria folder.
SpEd Forms Login SpEd Forms is a special education software system used to write and store special education due process requirements.
Infinitec The Infinitec system is available to all staff in our eight-member school districts. Within this website you will find a wide variety of online professional learning opportunities and curriculum supports.
Procedural Safeguards Procedural Safeguards provide an overview of parental rights for parents of children with disabilities. This link will direct you to Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) website for the most current form(s).
MDE Training: Program Monitoring The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) provides online trainings and resources related to special education program monitoring. Trainings and resources are divided into sections with pull down menus for easier access.
Parent Resources:
Disability Resources This link will take you to a list of state and national websites that provide general special education, mental health, and transition resource information.
Special Education Acronyms This document highlights frequently used acronyms and terms in special education.
Procedural Safeguards Procedural Safeguards provide an overview of parental rights for parents of children with disabilities. This link will direct you to Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) website for the most current form(s).
NWRIC Special Education Parent Handbook This handbook was developed by the NWRIC and District #382 Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) as a guide to special education services in our schools. It provides general information about special education services and how to initiate the process to access services.
Stand Ready To Serve Minnesota school districts are required to offer direct and/or indirect special education services to eligible students with disabilities whose parents have chosen a private school option (parochial school or home school programs).